Republic China
1911 - Revolution leads to abdication of Manchu dynasty.

1912 - Sun Yat-sen, founder of the national people's party (Kuomintang), proclaims a Republic in Nanking.
Mongolia and Tibet declare independence.

1916 / 26
Wars of the Warlords
in northern China.

1917 - Government formed in Canton with Sun Yat-sen as commander of the army.
China enters WW I.

1919 - Demonstrations in Peking against signing of Peace treaty. The treaty ignored the annullment of the 'unequal treaties' about foreign spheres of influences in China.

1923 - Cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist party of China after Soviet Russia drops all czarist claims in China.

1925 - Death of Sun Yat-sen and establishment of national government in Canton.

1926 - Campaign of the army under Chiang Kai-chek against military commanders in Central and northern China.

1927 - Chiang Kai-chek brakes with Communist party.
Liquidation of communists in Shanghai.

Rule of the Kuomintang
1927 - Formation of national government in Nanking. Suppression of peasant rebellions.

1928 - Chiang's march to Peking. Unification of China.

1928 - Mao Tse-tung and Chu Teh establish Communist peasant bases in southern China. Creation of the Red Army in Hunan.

1934/5 - Long March : Red Army moves north to Yenan.

Sino-Japanese War
Japanese seize Peking, Nanking and Shanghai, and establish a pro - Japanese government under Wang Ching-Wei in Nanking.
'Rape of Nanking' - over 200,000 Chinese killed by Japanese troops.
Chiang's headquarters in Chungking; Mao's in Yenan.
Map: East Asia
1943 - The Allies give up all privileges gained by the 'unequal treaties' to prevent a separate peace of the Kuomintang with Japan.

1945 - After victory over Japan the Red Army moves into Manchurian area vacated by the Soviets; Nationalist forces occupy the cities with American support.

1946 - U.S. General Marshall attempts to mediate between Mao and Chiang, but fighting resumes towards the end of the year.

1947 - Civil war intensifies between Communist and Nationalist forces.

1948 - Nationalist forces abandon Central China.

1949 - Chinese Red Army launches major offensive in Southern China. Chiang Kai-check withdraws to Taiwan.

Proclamation of the
People's Republic of China